

Full Stack Engineer

Arslan Elahi

United States


2 yrs




Science & Engineering


$1500 Per Month


$2000 Per Month

Services I offer:

-React js, single page application
-Next js, server-side rendered application
-Static site using next js
-Tailwind Css
-Responsive design
-React form with Formik and Yup
-React table with searching, pagination, sorting, filtering
-Material UI
-Framer Motion
-Add new features to an existing project

Extra services I offer:
Backend or Rest API implementation with node js, express, graphql with MongoDB or MySQL.
Third-party API implementation.
Adding a new API in your existing node js project.

Why choose me:
Designing or developing a website is not the end of the world, there is always more.
From optimizing the speed and performance to the best user experience and security. I care about all those things.
Clean code with proper commenting.
Reusable component.
100% client satisfaction.
Money-back guarantee.