
Managed Security vs In-house Security: Which of the two is the best?
Let us take a look at the difference between establishing your own team for security - in-house security vs letting dedicated team of experts handle all your security needs - managed security.
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In-house security vs Managed Security: Which one is the best for your business?

In-house security vs Managed Security: Which one is the best for your business?

Managed Security and In-house Security are two different approaches to handling cybersecurity within an organization. Here are the key differences between them:

1. Ownership and Responsibility:

Managed Security: In this model, a third-party service provider (Managed Security Service Provider or MSSP) is responsible for managing and overseeing the organization's security infrastructure and operations. The MSSP takes on the responsibility for monitoring, detecting, and responding to security incidents.

In-house Security: In this model, the organization itself is responsible for all aspects of its security program. This includes hiring and training its own security team, procuring and managing security tools, and developing and implementing security policies and procedures.

2. Expertise and Skills:

Managed Security: MSSPs typically have a team of highly skilled security professionals who specialize in various aspects of cybersecurity. They bring a wealth of experience and expertise to the table and often have access to advanced technologies and threat intelligence.

In-house Security: The organization must invest in hiring and training its own security team. This may require significant time and resources to find and retain qualified individuals, and to provide ongoing training to keep them updated on the latest threats and technologies.